Monday, September 27, 2010

Time to Step up my Game

I ministered last night at Emmanuel Church of God in Christ in DC for their anniversary. They made me feel extremely welcome, serving me at the head table at the anniversary dinner, and receiving the music with great enthusiasm, COGIC style.

On my rendition of 'I Can't Give up Now' my breath was short. In another part of service I struggled with he modulations on 'O Give Thanks'. Clearly I have some work to do. I have to step up my game musically, physically and spiritually if I want to go where God is leading me. Time to exit the comfot zone. There are people to touch and help and lead, by example. I confess I've been distracted and not giving my best. That ends today.
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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Random Thoughts (and I do mean...RANDOM)

My desktop died on Saturday. You know, the one with all my critical information, contacts, email archives, etc. So I've been trying to re-create and work around all week. Just as I have several engagements coming up. We've become so dependent on computers, and there are no worse offenders than independent musicians and artists. Out of necessity, we have our faces in a screen every chance we get: writing, organizing, communicating and promoting. my life has been made all the more challenging by the temporary loss of my data.

Life is no harder than it's ever been, but it is a whole lot more complicated. We're bombarded with an avalanche of information we have to sort through on a daily basis, and probably make more decisions in a week than our grandparents made in a year. All of this is pushing our beautifully and divinely engineered brains to the limit. I read an article today stating that our attention spans and cognition is being affected by being bombarded with digital data 24/7. In addition to the constant multitasking I have to do as a musician/eLearning developer/husband/father. I've heard all my life that we only use 10% of our brain capacity. Note to the goldbricking unused 90% of my brain: Time for you to come join the party, dude.

Here's the hook: I went into the Jersey Mikes up the street yesterday to get a sandwich. The guy behind the counter and I started talking football. I told him I was (and still am) a Pittsburgh Steelers fan. He asked me who they had played the day before.

I couldn't remember.

Either I'm having senior moments two decades early, or I need to do something to stave off this digitally enhanced neural meltdown. Hey, I know I'm criticizing the very medium I'm using to get these thoughts to you. The last thing I want is to contribute to your mental decay. So read my blog, then turn your computer off, go out and sit under a tree and contemplate God's goodness, or something like that. How are computers like women? Can't live with them. Can't live without them.

BTW The Steelers beat the Atlanta Falcons last Sunday 15-9. Total recall baby.